MSMIS Expansion Project

Background of the MSMIS Expansion Project

The Medical Supplies Division (MSD) of Ministry of Health is the main central organization responsible for providing all pharmaceutical items, surgical items, Laboratory items, radioactive items and printed materials etc. needed by hospitals and healthcare institutions. Main functions of MSD are estimation, indenting, procuring, storing, monitoring, distributing & accounting of the medical supplies to all government health institutions in Sri Lanka. In addition MSD responsible for supplying the private sector with all dangerous drugs & essential medical items which are not available in the open market. Presently MSD has implemented MSMIS (Medical Supplies Management Information System) after many analysis, studies and efforts. Initially MSMIS is connected directly with Medical supplies Division (MSD), SPC, 57 line ministry institutions and 26 RMSDD through VPN. About 53 other medical institutions are dealing with MSD through this system only for requesting the medical supplies. Live operation was started since January 2015 and the allocated cost for this initial project is 341 million. Meanwhile majority of the functions related to MSD, RMSDD and other line ministry institutions are proceeding through this MSMIS .Annual estimation process and verification process were recently started through the system. As per the requests of the other medical institutions, it is needed to expand this system up to the Divisional Hospitals and MOHs which are managed under RMSDD.

Strengthening the medical supplies chain by expanding the MSMIS system up to the Divisional Hospitals and Medical Officer of Health offices (MOHs) maintained under provincial review (RMSDs).

The proposed scope is expansion of the MSMIS system up to Provincial Hospitals (District General Hospitals, Base Hospitals Type A & B, Divisional Hospitals Type A, B, & C) and MOHs maintained under RMSDD.

To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of medical supply management in provincial health services through expansion of MSMIS facilities up to Divisional Hospitals and MOHs.

After successful completion of this MSMIS expansion project, the following privileges will be provided for all the provincial level institutions such as District General Hospital, Base Hospital Type A & B, Divisional Hospital Type A, B & C and MOHs as well. 

  • Revision of Formulary Process
  • Estimation Process
  • Ordering Process
  • Stock Receiving Process
  • Requisition Process
  • Storing Process
  • Issuing Process
  • Transportation Process
  • Emergency Institutional Procurement
  • Ledger and Billing Process
  • Financial Process


No of institutions to be connected with MSMIS under Expansion project
District General Hospital Base Hospitals (Type A) Base Hospitals (Type B) Divisional Hospitals (Type A) Divisional Hospitals (Type B) Divisional Hospitals (Type C) MOH Total
08 20 40 54 134 301 353 910
Percentages of Institution Types which are going to connect with this project